Pear rootstocks

Pears are full off fibre

Fairplant grows the pear rootstocks in the fertile soil of the Noordoostpolder in the Netherlands, This area is free of fire blight. In addition, we use soil improvers and our knowledge to further increase this fertility.

Fairplant is the premier specialist in growing and grading certified rootstocks for pears. Our Cydonia and Pyrus rootstocks are unique in the market.

The plants are healthy and vigorous, which allows us to guarantee a good start for you as a grower. We would be happy to advise you about the best variety for your goal.

Our Cydonia rootstocks are ELITE certified and come along with a PZ-ERWIAM passport, or the so called ZP,b2 code.
We can even supply you with organic certified rootstocks!


Pear Rootstocks

Fairplant grows different types of pear rootstocks with great patience and passion. Curious which pear suits you the best? See our entire range in de shop.

Assortiment list

  • Cydonia oblonga Quince MC
  • Cydonia oblonga Quince Adams
  • Cydonia oblonga Quince MA
  • Cydonia oblonga Quince BA29
  • Pyrus calleryana
  • Pyrus commmunis
  • Pyrus communis Kirchensaller
  • Pyrus communis Bartlett
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