Apple rootstocks

Fairplant loves apples

That’s why we grow our own rootstocks for apple trees in the fertile soil of the Noordoostpolder in the Netherlands.

Our Malus rootstocks are ELITE certified and come along with a PZ-ERWIAM passport, or the so called ZP,b2 code.

We can even supply you with organic certified rootstocks!

Also, we would be happy to supply you with knowledge to increase your success. For example, we can advise you about which rootstocks are best suited for the climate, soil and the growing methods you use to cultivate apple trees. Pick the fruits of our knowledge!


Apple Rootstocks

Fairplant grows different types of apple rootstocks with great patience and passion. View our entire range in the shop!

Assortiment list

  • Malus domestica A2
  • Malus sylvestris
  • Malus sylvestris Bittenfelder
  • Malus domestica MM111
  • Malus domestica M25
  • Malus domestica M16
  • Malus domestica B9
  • Malus domestica M26
  • Malus domestica M7
  • Malus domestica MM106 clona 9a
  • Malus domestica M9 EMLA
  • Malus domestica Pajam®2 Cepiland
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